About Us

Founded in 2006, DAMICARNES is dedicated exclusively to the production of pig meat and the production and curing of products derived from Iberian pig.

We have a variety of traditional Iberian pig products such as hams, Chorizos, "Paios", "Paiolas", Sausages, and other traditional products.

We are a traditional company with roots in Spain, who chose to move production to the village of Vila Nova de São Bento in Portugal.

With the opening of the factory in Vila Nova de São Bento, our activity had a very significant improvement at all levels, since this plant was planned and developed from the beginning to the pork processing and the production of Iberian pig products. As this is a new installation, it was equipped with the latest and most suitable equipment for the production of traditional sausages and hams.

We have own farms and some leased between Alentejo and the south of Spain, where our pigs are raised in total freedom with a feeding based on natural products (acorns and cereals).

The main concern in DAMICARNES is the quality and safety of the products placed on the market. This is one of the main factors that motivate and compel us to a strict quality and hygiene control plan in the handling of meat.

With a clear focus on exporting, but without ignoring the domestic market, our journey has had a rapid but responsible growth that allows us to look to the future with great expectations.